P J Casper Associates Limited


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Gas Consultancy Services

Our In-House Chartered Gas Engineer, with over 40 years industry experience is ready to assist with your enquiry. We offer the following services:

  • Gas Consultancy – General and specialised consultancy & technical services for gas & energy related fields.
  • Gas Engineering Design – Preparing, reviewing, assessing & approving of designs, processes & equipment against prescribed standards and accepted methodologies.
  • Gas Meters – We arrange the manufacture and supply of non-domestic meter rigs, and offer specialised assessment & design services across all types of commercial & industrial metering.
  • Gas Connections – Advising and arranging gas connections for non-domestic and multi-housing sites.
  • Competence – Undertaking audits and inspection of persons, equipment, systems and processes against relevant standards.
  • Audits – Compliance audits
  • Siteworks – Site visits, surveys and inspections, provision of on-site support and other gas siteworks related activities.
  • Accreditation & Registration – Advising and supporting statutory accreditation and registration for special registration under MAMcop, GIRS etc.
  • Training – Training, coaching, supervising and assisting other qualified persons both on and off site.
  • Gas Expert Witness – Trained expert witness for in court testimonial.

Get In Touch

3 Place Farm, Wheathampstead, St. Albans, HERTS AL4 8SB
MOB: 07595 416 857

TEL: 01582 629 618